About GPTZero
GPTZero is the premier AI detection tool designed for educators, writers, and organizations. Our advanced algorithm analyzes texts up to 50,000 characters to distinguish between human and AI-generated writing, ensuring authenticity and promoting academic integrity. Users benefit from detailed insights and enhanced writing transparency.
GPTZero offers tiered pricing plans to accommodate various user needs. The Basic plan starts at $0, allowing 10,000 words monthly. The Essential plan, priced at $8.33/month, supports 150,000 words. The Premium plan, popular among users, includes advanced features for $12.99/month, offering 300,000 words.
GPTZero features a sleek, user-friendly interface designed for seamless navigation. Users can easily upload documents or input text, receiving instant feedback on AI content. The layout is optimized for clarity, guiding users through its advanced capabilities, making it effective for educators and writers alike.
How GPTZero works
To use GPTZero, users create a free account, then either paste their text or upload documents for analysis. The platform quickly analyzes content, providing an overall detection score and detailed sentence-by-sentence insights. With integrated tools like a Chrome extension, users can scan documents directly for AI content seamlessly.
Key Features for GPTZero
Advanced AI Scan
GPTZero's Advanced AI Scan represents its core functionality by offering granular insights into AI-generated content. Users can obtain precise AI detection results, empowering them to maintain authenticity in their writing and foster trust in academic and professional settings.
Plagiarism Checker
The Plagiarism Checker feature of GPTZero identifies unauthorized content sourced externally. This ensures that users can submit original work while upholding integrity, making it a vital tool for students, educators, and content creators alike seeking to avoid potential representation issues.
Authors Verification
GPTZero's Authors Verification tool confirms the originality and integrity of writing submissions. By leveraging detailed analysis, it helps maintain transparency, ensuring that authorship claims are validated, and enabling users to present their work with confidence in its authenticity.